
Gundam00 : Programming itself and UserInterface:

Tierria Erde
"Do not overcome that way!"
"That's the right, which is end-message."
"This is the natural character in all program natural interface."


001: "001": "Button Messages 001" : 002
002: "002": "Button Messages 002" : 003
003: "003": "Button Messages 003" : 004
004: "004": "Button Messages 004" : 005
005: "005": "Button Messages 005" : 005


void ButtonMessages( int a, char* message )


int screen_a;

void ButtonLootin(  )
 screen_a = Process ();
 ButtonMessages ( screen_a, "Replacement" );


int Process ( )
 return 0;


And 00* like
 screen_a = Process001 ();



Gundam00 : Lock-ON: Good work:

Gundam00 : Lock-ON: Good work:

Good reacting "Tieria Erde".
We will understand the Vedas Thoughts, and don't foncus on but have a hope.
We could explain the lootin of

Good point:

1. Lvel_00* themselve are same lootin on the code.
2. They have same parameters in their function.
3. So, we check only level_002 as simple in this case.
4. In samae level, We can solve the memorization problem of recursive, so, you do not worry.


Gundam 00: that suits this time:

Your are right and stored your codes. This way brings us difficulties stop coding before stored.

On the even Veda, like comipler give us ensured when programming, but this time, we cannot program this. Veda can program from source-codes. Believe us.



: Gundam00: if you were 20 which person you like:

T: "We've bet you!"
T: "Sumeragi Lee Noriega!"
T: "Veda still chooses you."

S: "Veda has left you."
S: "You can't win them."
S: "Your partner lock-on were dead."

T: "Linking Veda was something iterrupted just at that time."
T: "Veda is still living."
Their story, we still remember.
His character is more interesting than others.
Air-plane type is also considered.
Prastic models and Helicopter sometimes came near schools, which is one of events.
Some people like air-plane and machines very much, we can believe around here.
We call them fun of army or machines.
They like magazine "combat".
Industrial machine and Agriculture must be in this country.
We still respect them.
Something lengends must be motivated for the people.
His character, we didn't like if we were 7 years old, even 10 years old.
He is the most interesting.


: Gundam 00 : a little bit scary now: not so willingly but important:

 "Sumeragi Lee Noriega!"

"Horrible Tactics!"

"I've never said, it's his fault, and even he is right!"

"I'm going to put this to Veda."

*this story riddle

Sumeragi: in Japan

Lee:      famous general in America.


Sorry for that:
Please care about this story itself.

Veda: Super Computer and AI:

Their name and job:

In this story, they are chosen from Veda:

Gundam mister:

Tactics Prediction:


Multimedia Programming:

 "No Problem!"

"Believe us!"

Multimedia Programming:

Initialize 0: ( Zero-Initialization )

// in the Created file:


#include <mmiscapi.h>

#include <mmeapi.h>


void WriteWaveData(void);


void WriteWaveData(void)


    HWAVEOUT    hWaveOut;

    HGLOBAL     hWaveHdr;

    LPWAVEHDR   lpWaveHdr;

    HMMIO       hmmio = 0;

    UINT        wResult;

    HANDLE      hFormat = 0;


    DWORD       dwDataSize = 0;




Compilation has options and Link Error:

Same inclusion compiled which is ensured Linking.

We could not research this error, which is one of IDE problems.

Stop working in that way.


*AE or BE:

Initialize which is verb cool verbing is very important in their country.

Pink wearing is from Michiko-London as from Japanese Designer.

Believe his character.


: : Sounds Projects in Windows. : Linking-error LINK2019"

Sounds Projects in Windows.

"Do not follow UTF-16!"
"You've missed judges if you were severe."
"And, 0-Initialisation"
"Do you understand?" "ALL CLEAR!".
"Just Ignore even Linking-error LINK2019:"
"Believe our experience!"

#include "framework.h"
#include "sounds-001.h"

// ADD inclusion:
#include <mmiscapi.h>
#include <mmeapi.h>
// Global variables. 

// ADD Parameter
HWND hwndApp = NULL;

MessageBox -> MessageBoxA


#pragma comment(lib, "Ws2_32.lib")


Again, "Level 007" confused and someone interrupted:

"Level 001"
"Level 002"
"Level 003"
"Level 004"
"Level 005"
"Level 006"

Again, "Has someone changed code?"
: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Dt5tGFLUwAAbPmw.jpg

*Layer Information:
Usage: we usually use it as tokenizer like compiler.

Gundam Wing: Du oMaxwell:

That result is more interesting. We can use a pointer allocation as a param from the sublootin as a returnable value. *     lootin:         ...