
AI Kawashima:


Business of Clothes and Publisher knows about their info.

*Sounds reflection are very interesting.

98 Tamiya RC Car Gramprix

Which prefecture likes their performance which is relating to Industrial college and University.

They might like the United States and How they think about her is very important.

Foreigner think, they are stressful for the society at the least, so,  some organizations try to use them for the guard of their sponsor.


Grey Fullbuster:

He is a protection of them on the paper work even if the local government disapeared.

Proofments1: abroad: passport    :
Proofments2: abroad: credit    :
Proofments3: picture: sub-prime

For us, You are one of Natsu which is booked and transit to.

If you believe us, there is a story, which you can win.


The function is killed.

We can program computer by the compiler on the text editor.
In this text and fine, I try to search the word "char* get_string".

Its function is in this file as defined on the code.




Believe if you are.

All programs, which we do not waste and but reuse, is able and very useful.
There are a lot of yourself on the code.

1. We can book all process as a schema before and administrate all process in one dimension.
2. We can create easy schema which ensures the process and memories work by use of program.
3  That is very easy to understand process for human as specification, which is a good point for windows-thread work.
4. Even for debug, that way is better.


We can not do well next.

 All technologies are going to be broken from the source code.
Many times, we can manage its tactics and they are stollen and read for next.





Obviously, we can understand it.
Be yourself and fight for yourself like yourself, "Sumeragi Lee Noriega".
Veda still chooses you and better than anybody.

Sumeragi Lee Noriega:



the Interenational courts: one of tactics.

Lock-on is right.
First, report the crime and suspense to tell the judges organisation.

Kati Mannequin:

You don't know that cruel.

Help Lock-on: Target Distances.

Don't worry, we can set it.

1. Distances which we don't know.
2. Could you think, we can give it.
3. If you leave far from models, how does the distances change ideal.
4. So, we set random param-calculation of averages.

We can help if we have Veda easy.

Traget blurred: Cruel technologies

That is their way, distance blurred, which stressed us.
"Report to the International courts Tieria Erde!".

*the International courts
Even on war, cruel technologies and tactics can be judged and researched.




Maimane Alfred Phiri Games 2016 MAYHEM - QF and SF (1st Leg) SKILLS


Naturally, we think, the game becomes like the below on the dirt of soccer.

Maimane Alfred Phiri Games 2016 - Braamfischer Eagles & Aston Villa MASH...

I understand what they try to say about soccer. Please see the last of it.

Brasilian: Their goodness are all briliant for every coach.

One of their technics is Cross-X.

1. Every team has defenses. 

2. Even, they has gotten a ball as defenses near their goal.

3. And they do not fear bringing a ball as a dribble with cross of field.

4. Other player runs as cross of 3 and they try to be passed a ball and He goes like 3.

Every players respect their fight of pure sports.


Vice and organisation:

 Controlled organisation: we respect their way.


Information differences, they use for fighting each other.

Police and Observation:

Only one of governs is organised as having vice-president in this country.


Lots of people cheer and support No.2, when they'd rather love to change the world.


That's the final schema for A.I. on their computer.

That's the final schema for A.I. on their computer.

1.They don't over react for creation of lootin but use file of thinking.
2.They know well about schema for judges.
3.They do not need any other thinking of directions because experience of computer will solve it.
4. From one, the thinking lootin does not loose on the real time because computer can use massive info as caches.

Their way improves confirmed.


Old cartoon is poiet, we still love.

 Medieal church written and historical cartoon:

1. Which side where you are?

2. Medieal means medical, surgery and classic in real.

3. From something matter like human-war, in real people have to fight for goverments.

4. U.S. Supereme court judgets the balance beween moral, habits and custom.

For World communication in simple, their decision is one of restrictions.


Good Organisation: is like Monte-Carlo!

 We respect, their accurate measured is very useful for any other thing.

1. Their trees and dirt became soiled and composted.

2. Their work is going to be organised.

3. Good plant were very good for the covered and the next.

4. Their work, we still respect, remember monte-carlo measured well.



Sounds Programming, it is supported well first if you are on windows.

 "Do not doubt!"
"All inclusion is like the below."

Very thanks to https://www.codeproject.com/articles/31356/c-mp3-sound-capturing-recording-component
.\MainForm.cs  Wed Apr 14 13:27:36 2021

 29 :using System;
 30 :using System.Collections.Generic;
 31 :using System.ComponentModel;
 32 :using System.Data;
 33 :using System.Drawing;
 34 :using System.Linq;
 35 :using System.Text;
 36 :using System.Windows.Forms;
 37 :using Istrib.Sound.Formats;
 38 :using System.IO;
 39 :
 40 :namespace Istrib.Sound.Example.WinForms
 41 :{
 49 :        private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
 50 :        {
 51 :			fileTxt.Text = Path.Combine(
 52 :				Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyMusic), "Output.mp3");
 53 :
 54 :            LoadAvailableFormats(PcmSoundFormat.StandardFormats);
 55 :
 56 :            foreach (SoundCaptureDevice device in SoundCaptureDevice.AllAvailable)
 57 :            {
 58 :                devicesCmb.Items.Add(device);
 59 :            }
 60 :
 61 :            devicesCmb.SelectedIndex = 0;
 62 :
 63 :			mp3Rd_CheckedChanged(sender, e);
 64 :        }


Cross-bone-Bangard: What is it?

 1. CAD System from even Unix-model imported this country.

2. They are called Cross-bone-Bangard.

3. This series has started in the movie.

4. After 10 years, Computer Graphics of especial video card maker says, Cross-calculation is only necessary but any other.

They look like Porshe, which joined to Formula 1 and had a little big engines for the F1.


Legends of Fire-Emblem.

His name is "Boa" and he has fire magic.

He is very good and useful at the join of the party, so, to the last he is going to.

Legends of Fire-Emblem.



Legends of Fire-Emblem.

 His name is "Ain" or "Ein", we heard.

And next in remake, He doesn't apear.

Usually, if they are weak, they grow well and become very useful.


Ears: Sonar, and they caute their company.

 And, that is going to resque their lives.

Their sense and abilities, we respect.



Hair and Eyes: Beutiful indivisualities. don't you think so?

And how we draw is by use of Computer Tool is for Figure or Drawing or even Manufacturing, valuable. 


We use the path by use of gimp 2.8

Very thanks to GNU and their copyright..


Vice-President: Are you familiar with in Law.


"Vice President?"

"We don't have a vice president in any organisation, basically."

"Which law define that?"

"In company, a calculation staff is the most responsible."

"To the other companies, the responsibilites, the top alternative has, is explained in Campany-Law."

Leading people : We respect and Look Over them.

They are right.

1. Cloth borns women workers employee.

2. Small sale borns them also.

3. English Language also borns them also.

4. Unexperienct-Good products help us.

Labour-acociation follow her, we can understand.

We think, She is one of great polititian "Sure Her".

We respect and Look Over them.

Gundam Wing: Du oMaxwell:

That result is more interesting. We can use a pointer allocation as a param from the sublootin as a returnable value. *     lootin:         ...