

Packers: inherits West coat offense.

We coud not hear Joe Mntana.
His saying we heard was rules and they stoped next plays.

Pcaking means also stocks, and we are not broken.
They are socialized in a short season.
In west coart offense from 49ers, their tactics are more inportant than their abilities, and offense.

Short-passes and runs inherit them.
Their performance were different to Joe Montana( from Marphy).

QB bread farve was very strong and introduced.

Their rules:
Numbering systems and Senarios.
It says that they carries unluckies and fight them.

Sanfransisco is middle town in their countries.
We think, Bread Farve carries half of their unluckies.

Broad cast says human-scychologies.
Poeple can find target 3 and then always could not find and lost 4th-way.


One of our governs is Police which can fight our country secrecies also as people which means alternatives:

Do not batray us.
We could suggest our opinion besides the law for the people in the court.
And also we could fight our country for secrecies.

One of our governs is Police.
1. We could follow not only the laws of our country.
2. Our country ensured local goverment's plolicy.
3. We are one of governs under Tokyo but Police.
4. So, we could fight country for their Secrets besides the law for the people.


Dear and Creature? which means One of traditional Dear:

He or She is briliant! and even this area here.

I respect the people here:
Desaster, but they prepared economies which give us living.

Stocks means not only money but needs, foods and ware house and roads.
Living stocks are also cloths.

Expensive higher class things are very profited.
But they truly prepared the things for people and they hided that information which was going to save people.

I respect their thinking and mind truly truly truly...

We must learn how Okabe and Fujisawa lost in Breeders cup and in Tokyo whtat happened.

Okabe well konows world jockeys and horses and their fights.
They surprised us from how they've beaten Okabe.

"Bubble gum fellow" won n "Tenou sho" which was Great one race.
At that time, Akama-san owner of "Taiki breezard" opened horse farm in Ireland.

And we've already known how "Bubble gum fellow" won in long straight in Tokyo.
Jockey Abina opened (the not door) space between horses and horses, which was very difficult even in Glass Fields.
They could fight, which means just one of characters of horses.

In belmonde or bermode? Cigar: that was crying and dirt smoke?: and sorry for belmont:

Cigar run and from camera angle, and we don't know which hose comes first in belmonde because of dirt smoke.
And announce said "Cigaaaaaaaar!".

In England, "what the hel is thtat".

How he won was not theory, but we've already known Secretariat.
That means they could run alone, which was mentary strength.

Anyway, I like them.

And I must say next "Clearly today!".
I heard, "Clean up today!". today.


Why does this team use maison: Kitahara says:

In England, who is the best, we don't know.
In our country, why does it use him?

Freeman, Maison.
Kitahara says, he's all rounder.
I like rounders this is one of our cultures.

I like him as all rounders and respect his attitudes.

In corrner work, rounders get corners round.
We must'nt forget the above.


Without "do you": You don't have blabla eyes?

Actually, I heard, you don't have chinky eyes.
What did you say?(me)
"Chinky eyes are Chinese eyes" and her motion, which lifts up outside of eyes and holds them by her hands.

Upwards(just words) was lke me.
And returned to my country, and asked samethings sometimes.

And I said Japanese eyes was round basically with my motion which is rolled fingers and put them on the eyes like glasses.
And other Japanese came to the school.

She said "You are right!".

And I said surely, in our country that was human discremination.

I'm sorry, I'm going to delete this article.
I respect the all relating to here.


We don't heart them: Cigar and jokey and around them.

Great horse amd Legends should be told us.
However, I wonder if they know one of governsand its alternative or not at all.

And in the govern, they were going to discuss smokes.
Its alternative was called like surname "Cigar".

My impression was Left-tern cigar over all.
They could win through out between horses in Long straight, which was said very difficult in Tokyo.

The course has that reason and long straight.
I thought, this jockey was very well like a magician.


Shooting guard or Second guard?

His coach was called Patric Head.
John Starks's position was shooting guard.
Kitahara usulay says Patric Head coach how they defense.
Kitahara says he says well-atacking is necesary for defense not even in practice only in it.


His position was called 2nd guard.
His coarh learned sycologies.
We've realised their kindness.


In the truth, Basket Ball's rules in NBA prohibits zone defense.
In the zone defense, naturally 3Fs and center and a guard stand well.

His next position was going to (become) point-FW.
We respect Kitahara's explanations.

Actually, I don't know about basketballs so much and well, so their performance and abilities wewe too great for us, and realised their meaning later.


Fuji and Bushes: How do you say mean? or Do you know (What) that mean(s)?

Fuji and Bushes: How do you say mean? or Do you know (What) that mean(s)?

I answered "small bushes is like ..." and "" like on the cobuilds.
Which means all most forest from our imagines.
And I found pictures of bushes.

And I like Fuji pictures in Digital camera that was true.
"Very beautiful especialy their contrasts of full colors".
And I triied to explain "in real" and said "Actually or Honestly" doesn't use( not spend) your money for your fun or builds.


Socialized or not:

(we could delete this article)

Dead poeit society:

In Cinema, and In their culture, everybody goes to screens on weekends.
On old days, very expensive movies was so expensive for people.


I don't know if TV comedian stars on their movie or not.
And their story is school days.

His mame was Robin Foot (Williams in forest).

Anyway, we could see him and one of actors but as comedian in our country.

Young stars gave up their activies and Movies require their roles.
Movies remained their messages in their activities and cultured or not and seperated.

And we know about dormitory which can require students grows mentaly but don't them in University and College.


Take care of his story but still remained.

Code free: natural answer:

Do you use apche?
"yes" or "i do"

Next question from "Yes, I do."

Do you use apache or tomcat, which one is better?
Now, I think, about system research and limitation of person, but I don't.

Do you want to use Java?  So, tomcat.
Freely, we could use them well.


Crrect answer:
"Actually, at that time, I didn't use them, so, I don't but I can."


At that time: I don't remember it surely well and short scriptions:

I heard, at least I'm enrolled (from)it.

Now, I could hear, "I'm entitled it".

"Did you order code RED?"
"You can't handle it"

"I want the TRUTH!."

In real, and, sometimes I heard "SANTIAGO" as abroad.
I don't say "Not ride on it".


(We could delete this articles.)

Codes means not chords not source codes: SRA and PostgreSQL:

Who touched their source codes?
SRA is a Jpanese compnay, " I know, I know that"

He's upset.

SAARS and Alkhaida: At that time:

was there you don't know don't you?
And your religion, you could't tell us could you?

World was going to fight against force.

Tagaytay: Beautiful Moutain:

Very Beautiful Mountain and Jipny:

Driven and Ride on, we recognised their feelings.

1. Hello and barapo
2. Just Rideon
3. We don't say where it is going to.
4. Not mis-leading.

Not national project.

Gundam Wing: Du oMaxwell:

That result is more interesting. We can use a pointer allocation as a param from the sublootin as a returnable value. *     lootin:         ...