

( 20200428: )
PostgreSQL: (Download)
( 20200428: )
Not only database but cloud: https://www.mysql.com/cloud/

He is very popular, so, we respect him.
Our-Country doesn't like the above way.

Their purpose is Inspection of Company-Eviromments, which means more climinal not only Tax.
My message is, I have to say him, Could you please ask them?

(20200428: )
Socialized and Ensured: Job Security and Safe Center:
They introduced me to that company.
Work-Evironment: must be inspected:
I've already sent that report about them.
However, for economy, basically they introduced us some jobs.
Job Security and Safe Center:
The above problem is sometime told about court-conference in Tokyo.
The company is on the data of that job safety-center ensured:
Robbers and theives try to steal the documents.
We must be careful of that.
Higher possition in social, people protect, so, we must record their procedures.
If they are deleted, we only have to say, which is their and our humanities valued.


(20200428: )
And, I all recognised work-insurance in Job-Safty-Center, which is recorded.
That was good System.
Their administration, we respect.
If you are foriener, you should go there even after Not Job-Safty-Center introdued you any jobs, which is not my case.

They are very good for you, if you can record your procedure of them.

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Gundam Wing: Du oMaxwell:

That result is more interesting. We can use a pointer allocation as a param from the sublootin as a returnable value. *     lootin:         ...