
Remembrance: Yankees

We've already known about Yankees in general.
The poeple in Netherland imigrated to NY states and they built that team.
Netherland is usually displayed "Holand".

I understood Yankee means "Not straight, inpolite person, bad habaits" and became young and had known  the above was discrimination.

Baseball and Soccer players in Holand in childhood was very popular. Surely we thought Yankees in baseball team only sounds cool even now.
I belive, they told us the overcoming difficulities.

Young generation in baseball team practices in narraw field and we are told that "Hit the ball like that carpenters hit needles with hammer" and also we could see their interesting practice and technics even now.

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Gundam Wing: Du oMaxwell:

That result is more interesting. We can use a pointer allocation as a param from the sublootin as a returnable value. *     lootin:         ...