
Still on my book: no regard which means we don't know:

in reagrad to your account(pp.72).

on my book, relating to someone's account.
we could beleive conducted to someon's account.

obligation to pay sooner(pp.72)

I remember, he says you must learn Latin:

usuful expression: you are
under construction
under no obligation to pay sooner(pp.72).

On my book:
on the way of something.
on the way of constructing.

on the loan of payments.
( which means linear)

so, on the loan of payments unnesarily( <- adverb)
( which we can add after actions)

We would rather love make your account well.
So we use make your account open( not on open your account(pp.72)).

We use:
we discussed  on the term of your account.

We donot use:
we disscussed terms on open your account(pp.72).

even, you don't take(have or own) advantage of discount.

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Gundam Wing: Du oMaxwell:

That result is more interesting. We can use a pointer allocation as a param from the sublootin as a returnable value. *     lootin:         ...